CommMessages API

BETA: This API resource is not finalized, and there could be breaking changes before its final release.

API for accessing the messages (emails, sms, facebook, twitter, etc) that have been sent to a user.

A CommMessage object looks like:

  // The ID of the CommMessage.
  id: 42,

  // The date and time this message was created
  created_at: "2013-03-19T21:00:00Z"

  // The date and time this message was sent
  sent_at: "2013-03-20T22:42:00Z"

  // The workflow state of the message.
  // One of "created", "staged", "sending", "sent", "bounced",
  // "dashboard", "cancelled", or "closed"
  workflow_state: "sent"

  // The address that was put in the "from" field of the message
  from: ""

  // The address the message was sent to:
  to: ""

  // The reply_to header of the message
  reply_to: ""

  // The message subject
  subject: "example subject line"

  // The plain text body of the message
  body: "This is the body of the message"

  // The HTML body of the message.
  html_body: "<html><body>This is the body of the message</body></html>"

List of CommMessages for a user CommMessagesApiController#index

BETA: This API endpoint is not finalized, and there could be breaking changes before its final release.

GET /api/v1/comm_messages

Retrieve messages sent to a user.

Request Parameters:

  • user_id

    The user id for whom you want to retrieve CommMessages

  • start_time

    The beginning of the time range you want to

    retrieve message from.

  • end_time

    The end of the time range you want to retrieve

    messages for.

Returns a list of CommMessages