Assignment Groups API

API for accessing Assignment Group and Assignment information.

An Assignment Group object looks like:

  // the id of the Assignment Group
  id: 1,

  // the name of the Assignment Group
  name: "group2",

  // the position of the Assignment Group
  position: 7,

  // the weight of the Assignment Group
  group_weight: 20,

  // the assignments in this Assignment Group
  // (see the Assignment API for a detailed list of fields)
  assingments: { ... },

  // the grading rules that this Assignment Group has
  rules: {
    "drop_lowest" => 1,
    "drop_highest" => 1,
    "never_drop" => [33,17,24]

List assignment groups AssignmentGroupsController#index

GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignment_groups

Returns the list of assignment groups for the current context. The returned groups are sorted by their position field.

"discussion_topic" is only valid if "assignments" is also included

Request Parameters:

  • include[]

    Associations to include with the group.

  • override_assignment_dates
    Optional, Boolean

    Apply assignment overrides for each assignment, defaults to true.

Returns a list of Assignment Groups

Get an Assignment Group AssignmentGroupsApiController#show

GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignment_groups/:assignment_group_id

Returns the assignment group with the given id.

Request Parameters:

  • include[]

    Associations to include with the group. "discussion_topic" is only valid if "assignments" is also included

  • override_assignment_dates
    Optional, Boolean

    Apply assignment overrides for each assignment, defaults to true.

Returns a Assignment Group

Create an Assignment Group AssignmentGroupsApiController#create

POST /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignment_groups

Create a new assignment group for this course.

Request Parameters:

  • name
    Optional, String

    The assignment group's name

  • position
    Optional, Integer

    The position of this assignment group in relation to the other assignment groups

  • group_weight
    Optional, Float

    The percent of the total grade that this assignment group represents

  • rules

    The grading rules that are applied within this assignment group See the Assignment Group object definition for format

Returns a Assignment Group

Edit an Assignment Group AssignmentGroupsApiController#update

PUT /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignment_groups/:assignment_group_id

Modify an existing Assignment Group. Accepts the same parameters as Assignment Group creation

Returns a Assignment Group

Destroy an Assignment Group AssignmentGroupsApiController#destroy

DELETE /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignment_groups/:assignment_group_id

Deletes the assignment group with the given id.

Request Parameters:

  • move_assignment_to

    The ID of an active Assignment Group to which the assignments that are currently assigned to the destroyed Assignment Group will be assigned NOTE: If this argument is not provided, any assignments in this Assignment Group will be deleted

Returns a Assignment Group