Object IDs and SIS IDs

Throughout the API, objects are referenced by internal ids. You can also reference objects by sis id, by prepending the sis id with the name of the sis field, like "sis_course_id:". For instance, to retrieve the list of assignments for a course with sis id of 'A1234':


Escaping and Hex Encoding

SIS IDs can be URL escaped as usual, for instance the ID "CS/101.11" could be escaped as "CS%2F101%2E11". However, various releases of web servers and Rails environments have bugs related to escaping of characters such as "/" and ".". So it is recommended that SIS IDs be encoded using a hex string notation, similar to a hex digest, where UTF-8 bytes are encoded to hex digits and displayed as Ascii, high nibble first.

For instance, the string "CS/101.11" would be encoded as "43532f3130312e3131". To perform this encoding in Ruby:


The SIS ID is then included in the URL as usual, but prefixed with "hex:", for instance:
