Admins API

Manage account role assignments

An Admin object looks like:

  // The unique identifier for the account role/user assignment
  "id": 1023,

  // The account role assigned. This can be 'AccountAdmin' or a
  // user-defined role created by the Roles API.
  "role": "AccountAdmin",

  // The user the role is assigned to. See the Users API for details.
  "user": {
    "id": 8191,
    "name": "A. A. Dinwiddie",
    "login_id": ""

Make an account admin AdminsController#create

POST /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/admins

Flag an existing user as an admin within the account.

Request Parameters:

  • user_id

    The id of the user to promote.

  • role

    The user's admin relationship with the account will be created with the given role. Defaults to 'AccountAdmin'.

  • send_confirmation

    Send a notification email to the new admin if set to '1'; send no email if set to '0'. Default is '1'.

Returns a Admin

Remove account admin AdminsController#destroy

DELETE /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/admins/:user_id

Remove the rights associated with an account admin role from a user.

Request Parameters:

  • role

    Account role to remove from the user. Defaults to 'AccountAdmin'. Any other account role must be specified explicitly.

Returns a Admin

List account admins AdminsController#index

GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/admins

List the admins in the account

Returns a list of Admins